Pawn Loan vs Personal Loan in Malaysia

Having trouble to choose pawn loan or personal loan for your financing? We made a simple comparison below for your reference.

 Pawn LoanPersonal Loan
  • Just need to provide acceptable high-value item such as gold, jewelry, luxury watch, etc
Time to get the moneyImmediate cash out at the counter.Generally, more than 3 days or weeks to verify your identity, employment, the guarantor (If has),  credit evaluation, loan approval, offer and disbursed.
Monthly Interest RateMaximum 2%0.3 – 1.5%
What happens if unable to repays
  • Your pawn items will be auctioned and extra amount will be returned to you.
  • No impact on your credit history / CCRIS
  • Penalty on the outstanding balance. May snowball the debt after a period.
  • File a lawsuit
  • File for Bankruptcy

If you’re looking for a pawn shop, don’t hesitate to find us – iPajak. We could offer you the high-value pawn loan. Check out the nearest branch now.
